Netflix and re-adding movies

7 Jan 2009
Noticed Netflix removed some stuff on 1st April, Which was a shame as one movie in particular "Deuces" which is a Netflix exclusive was on the list and therefore no longer able to be watched, But you cannot buy it either on DVD been an exclusive :(

Now i know Netflix have a suggestions tab where you can ask them to re-introduce movies/series that have been previously removed. (which I've done)

Wondering if anyone's ever had any luck doing this and had a film/tv series put back on eventually?

i know there's a ton of hoops they'd have to go around like licencing etc, But surely not if its their OWN movie lol?
Netflix loves to remove and re-add movies periodically to create hype about the titles. They do this a lot with their own stuff. Unless there's a change to the movie's rights (e.g. Disney stuff), they will be back at some point.
Would you not need a netflix account for the other territory though?

No. Netflix gives you what is available local to the area you (or your VPN) are connecting from, not your registration/billing location. So different to some other services.
When I'm visiting my folks in the UK my ipad picks up UK Netflix, which has (or had last time I was back) a load more stuff than the Aussie one. You can download as much as you want and watch offline at your leisure however as soon as it realises you are not longer in the UK then the downloaded shows are marked as unavailable.
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