Netflix on atv2

30 Nov 2007
Has anyone here got Netflix working on their atv2 device?
I keep getting not available try again later message
Works fine on wii but not atv2
Any help pleaser
Yeah I had problems, just couldn't get it to log in. Didn't bother me too much as I cancelled the free trial within an hour or so of signing up.
I had the same error message for netflix on my atv2.

Unplug the atv2 from the mains and the start it up again it should then appear correctly on the atv2.

Hmm I use US and UK netflix on mine, which has been rather flawless. UK NF sometimes gives me an error when I try and stream content, so I just retry a few times until the streaming kicks off.

Try unplugging it from mains as mentioned.
Works fine for me, and I use it as my home media centre for one year, no problem except some little problem on streaming smoothly.
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