Network Admins - What anti-spam do you use?

It's for a company, around 100 mailboxes.

My friend recently reviewed a few anti-spam products & decided on IHateSpam. I've also heard good things about this software, but wondered in general what other enterprises were using.

Cheers anyway.
IHateSpam can be installed on a PC in the DMZ.

One major thing i forgot to mention.....our Exchange server is an NT4.0 machine running Exchange 5.5! (Runs away & hides with embarassment). So not all anti-spam software support NT4.0, where IHateSpam offer a free upgrade when you upgrade your machine to 2003.

The power's that be have yet to give our (2 year old) upgrade plan the go ahead, all to do with budgets...mutter grumble. I don't think that they understand the risks, but i'm not the IT manager :(
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