Network switch and 2 separate WLANs

6 Oct 2006
Hi all

Wondering if you could help spec some equipment which would be used to create a small network for a club that I am helping out with.

  • They will be using BT Business broadband, probably premium infinity which I believe comes witha BT Bubsiness Hub 5.
  • They want two separate wireless networks, one for club members and one for guests, traffic to be separated and not mix with each other.
  • They will also need a rack mount switch with 24 gigabit ports. Due to the traffic separation requirement this will probably need to have some layer 3 functionality.

My intial thoughts were to use a switch like the HP 1920 series and then a couple of WAP's like the Linksys AC750 which can have multiple separate SSID's linked to separate VLANs (i'm assuming VLANs to separate out the traffic).

A few questions:

Is the above the correct way to go - i.e. 2 vlans with the 2 separate SSID's.

I would need multiple DHCP scopes to deal with the above, which none of the above will dish out. What can I do about this? Would I need to change the router to something else to cope with multiple scope? There will be no server or anything lthe like on site to act as a DHCP server so ideally it needs to be a WAP, router etc.

Ay other different ideas for a design?

There is some budget but please bear in mind that this is a cummunity club so ideally has to be as cheap as possible.

Thanks for your help?
Excellent, thanks for all your answers. I will have a look at hardware you ahve mentioned.

Is having 2 VLANs the way to go? If it is will those routers do multiple DHCP scopes?

a Question about the Mikrotik routers. The small ones have 5 ports as standard. Can these be assigned to different VLANS or switchgroups (if that is the correct terminology for them)?

I assume we would have the BT router plugged into port 1, port 2 for vlan 1 and port 3 for vlan 2, with these plugged into the relevant port in the HP switch. the Mikrotec would allow routing between some or all of the ports depending upon configuration. Basically allowing eberything to router to port 1 for the internet?
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