Networking an old G4?!

16 Dec 2006
Hi! I wonder if there is anyone able to help me here?

Basically, my dad has an old iMac G4 that is connected to an ADSL modem via a USB cable. Im not quite sure what revision it is, but it has a tiny square screen by todays standards. Could it even be 15"?

The problem is that he now has a PC laptop aswell, and as a result wishes to have a wireless network up and running. Finding a wireless router that allows a USB out for an old Mac and supports drivers for such an ancient OS (its running something early like Tiger I think) is proving fruitless.

It would seem a much easier idea to just run a standard network cable across from the router to the Mac. Unfortunately, I dont know whether it even has a network socket/card. I would ask my dad, but he has no technical knowledge and wouldn't be able to differentiate between an RJ45 and a modem socket. Can anyone clarify whether it would have one, please?! And if you have any bright ideas about how to get this setup working, please say!!! :-D Thanks...
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Excellent reply Arta - thanks for your help. The dongle sounds like an interesting option, but if this imac does have ethernet, I should be sorted!
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