Networking is confusing....

2 Oct 2004
N.W London

For the last week I have been trying to setup a network but its been nothing but a headache....

Basically I have 2 desktops and 1 laptop....

It appears as if someone has tried to set it up before and its just one pile of chaos atm....

PC 1 (the pc that connects to my cable isp) cannot see pc2 or the laptop.....

PC2 can share pc1 files and print but cannot see the laptop....

Laptop connects to the network but cannot see pc1 or pc2, will not share files or connect to the internet...

I really want to delete everything and start again but I have important files on both pc1 and pc2 so cannot format...grrr......

Is there a way I can delete the network places???

I am using a netgear wireless router which is wired to both desktops and is connected to the laptop which has a belkin usb network adaptor...

Basically setup goes like this:

cable modem ---rj45----netgear router----rj45----pc1

pc2---rj45----netgear router

laptop----usb adaptor---connects wirelessly to network.....

Printer plugs directly into pc1 via USB cable....

I really think its best to start again is it possible without formatting the pcs?

Can anyone guess why I am having these troubles?

I have run network wizard on each pc including the laptop....

I am a total n00b at configuring the network infact I dont have a clue......

Is there a dummies guide anyone has or can recommend? I cannot express how grateful I would be if I can figure this out....

All ideas would be appreciated....

More importantly has anyone experienced similar issues?

Thanks in advance...
Delete the network places and start from scratch. You need to run the network setup wizard on EACH computer. Make sure when it prompts you to enter the workgroup name that you give the same one for each computer (not sure if this is completely necessary but it worked for me), follow the instructions on the network wizard and at some point it will tell you that you need to run the wizard on each computer, go ahead and do that then choose the option i dont need to run the wizard on other computers. Restart the computers and voila.
If you need more info i can give it but this is just a rough guide.

edit: oh just remembered your using wireless (*shudders at the word*) laptop, in which case you'll need to run the wireless network wizard, never done this myself but i imagine its just as straight forward as the other one.
so if I delete the network places I wont lose any files or anything?

So for desktop 1 which connects directly to the internet I delete network places then reboot, then run network wizard?

for desktop 2 the same and for the laptop run "wireless network wizard"


When I come to the "do you want to make a setup disk to install on each computer" choose no BUT run network wizard on desktop 2 and then run wireless network wizard on the laptop?

Use the same workgroup name for each pc? including the laptop?


Wish I felt more confident.....This has stressed me out BIG TIME and continues to do so.....

do you know of any dummy guides? that can get me thru this? step by step?

I mean i just dont understand how i can access the network on the laptop but cannot use the internet or share files....
To be honest thats probably a setting on your router. But like i say, i dont use wireless (and never will until it seriously improves) so havent got any personal experience to go by.
Hmm, im wondering if what you have already is correct, however the reason why the laptop isnt seeing the ohter 2 computers is because your not looking at the right workgroup. On your laptop, when you go to My Network Places, hit the view workgroup computers tab. You see the other 2 computers now?
xirokx said:
do you know of any dummy guides? that can get me thru this? step by step?

You were pointed at the first time round.

Forget My Network Places - it can take ages to update with the machines it sees. Use Start, run, \\[Machine's name or IP].
Output from start, run, cmd, ipconfig /all might be useful too (especially on the laptop that's seeing nothing).
yes I was pointed pointed to practicallynetworked but after several hours of reading it did not really help me...

Last night I was watching a tutorial and apparently it says DHCP **** be disabled if you are running ICS...So may try that today...

Also it advised to check the firewall exceptions tab cuz windows xp may be blocking it etc....

There were several things it raised which practicallynetworked did not....

I mean network wizard has been run on each computer however I am unsure if it was all for the same workgroup or not....

Its been a steep learning curve but now is seriously beginning to be a headache.....

I mean one would think once the physical settings are correct, you would have to run network wizard on each pc, use the same workgroup for each pc and voila off you go....However its just not the case....
xirokx said:
Last night I was watching a tutorial and apparently it says DHCP **** be disabled if you are running ICS

That's rubbish.

Also it advised to check the firewall exceptions tab cuz windows xp may be blocking it etc....

It should be automatic, but er yeah, checking firewalls should be the first step.

There were several things it raised which practicallynetworked did not....

And at least one of them was crap, and I'd be surprised if PN didn't have anything about checking firewalls...

I mean one would think once the physical settings are correct, you would have to run network wizard on each pc, use the same workgroup for each pc and voila off you go....However its just not the case....

You don't need to run the wizard at all.
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your router should be running DHCP for your network and all your pcs should get there IP address, DNS and Gateways from that. Make sure that all PC's are set to "obtain address automatically" and they should all get an IP address that looks like 192.168.0.x (this depends on your router tho).

As for file and print sharing if you are running XP Pro make sure that Simple file sharing is disabled as its the bane of Windows, sadly if your on Home i dont believe you can disable it. The option to disable Simple File Sharing is found under Tools - Folder Options - View from any explorer window.
so lets say I wanted to share an entire drive....

On each pc I right click on the drive, select sharing, then in the "network sharing and security" section tick the share this folder on the network and add a network name?

Therefore I will not have to bother add a network place to each pc?

Please clarify

Thank you so much for your help so far.....
xirokx said:
Therefore I will not have to bother add a network place to each pc?
Ignore network places. It's like an Address book of the computers on your network... or to be more precise it's like an address book that sometimes misses off entries, sometimes doesn't add entries, and sometimes disappears alltogether.

As tolien has already said, you can connect directly to another PC and view its shares

tolien said:
Forget My Network Places - it can take ages to update with the machines it sees. Use Start, run, \\[Machine's name or IP].
As tolien has already said, you can connect directly to another PC and view its shares

I have had a networking before I delete my network places I just wanted to be 10000% sure...

I understood what he was saying buy if u take a look at my response I was trying to make it idiot proof so to speak...

One thing I dont get is if I delete my network can i access pc2 files from pc1? I understand what tolien said so was seeking clarification however know I would like to find out how I access those shared drives?

Please help

Thank you
xirokx said:
I have had a networking before I delete my network places I just wanted to be 10000% sure...

This should be interesting as you can't actually delete my network places. You can remove the shortcut from your desktop, but that's hardly deleting it.

Oh and i'm not going to repeat what has been answered many times.
so you are saying instead of using my network places I should:

Use Start, run, \\[Machine's name or IP

hmmm thats kinda long everytime I want to access a drive from a different computer isnt it?

On each pc I right click on the drive, select sharing, then in the "network sharing and security" section tick the share this folder on the network and add a network name?

Please clarify yes or no?

If yes will I have to
Use Start, run, \\[Machine's name or IP
each time I want to access the hdd on computer 2 from computer 1?
Er, new shortcut as usual, then you get a box asking for a location.
Fill in the path to the location (\\[Machine name or IP]\[share name]) and you're done.

may just give it a go...wish i understood it properly...its not that i dont i guess sometimes responses can be ever so confusing

thanks for your help
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