networking linux to Win7

18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
Where do I start?

Ok, I want to get a Linux ( Ubuntu 9.10 ) PC to talk to a Win7/64 PC.

They seem to want me to enter domain info and Im not using a domain.

Tell me what I ned installed to make sure they talk.


I need more than this, but this is as basic as I can make my post.
Well in the past yes, I have used Samba, but I have not bothered with it for some time now and Its been a good year or two since I used it.

Seems silly to need it once again now?

But there you go.

I have not had the chance to go and test wesleys option of using the WG name as the domain, but I will grab an hour to play later on and install samba if need be.
Cheers for the info guys.

I know how to install and setup samba

I just have not needed to do it for so long now that I am wondering why I need to go back to it?

Ah well, needs must as they say.

I just finished work for the day, I have no call outs and I was hoping to grabn a bit of time, but as usual the wife has me stripping the daughters bedroom wallpaper first!!!

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