Never be cheap when it comes to mechanics/repair!

18 Oct 2002
My dad had a very very lucky escape with his car over the weekend.
As he was driving on the motorway to dudley, the car begain to make some strange noises, as he cam to his destination, he looked at the engine.

Seemed as if it was coming from the cambelt area, so he called th AA and got to go in the yellow lorry all the way home!

Went to the garage today, and found out the tensioners had broken, could have caused some serious damage!

Lukkily it didnt, but the moral of the story is when you replace the cambelt, dont be cheap and not get the tensioners!!

(when we brought the car, it had the belt changed, but obviously they were to cheap to get the whole lot done:rolleyes: (cars a ford mondeo btw 1997/8 R)

Also goes with everything else with cars, dont be cheap, get it done properly!
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