Never leave your kids near your lappy

18 Oct 2002
"Sunny" Plymouth
Popped downstairs to check the post, missus & sprog were sound asleep in bed. I get back to find this, guess the sprog woke up and wanted to play :eek:

15 months, i've got the keys back in now, but i've lose a couple of the black rubber nipples which actually make the contact. Joy :(
LordSplodge said:
It's Karma balancing herself out after you purchased a Packard Bell! :p

Got a pair of them, insurance payouts are great, but they sent us purple shirt vouchers :(
Heh, we've got insurance on the printer we got at the same time, printer got a pounding from the stairs (which i fell down), now we can't find the recipt, bum!
Must admit, one of the first things my youngest did with the laptops is learn that pressing the power buton as she walked passed got her a LOT of attention :D
Chris1712 said:
The insurance on printers doesnt cover accidental damage, so gl with that.

Ofcourse moan enough and you'll probably get your way.

Doesn't it? gah, that's the only reason we bought the policy, bum!
Oh it gets better, she woke up from her snooze on the sofa last night, rolled over and kicked my lappy of the coffee table :(

I now gets as far as the POST screen before turning off (on battery), and the charger doesn' seem to do anything (no lights). Oh goody. :rolleyes:
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