Thanks again for the all suggestions guys. I think I'm leaning towards FFX as my first taste. I don't mind older graphics if the game is good - I recently played Beyond Good and Evil and loved it for example. I think FFX might be a safer bet as I don't have the nostalgia factor when considering FF7 - does the story, gameplay and general experience still hold up today if you knew nothing about it and had never played it before do you think? If I like it FFX though, no doubt I'll go back and play the older ones. Also I need to factor in that I've never played any JRPGs and wasn't a fan of older style RPGs as a kid although I do enjoy more modern RPGs such as Skyrim, Fallout & The Witcher. I do get slightly apprehensive with more 'pure' RPG games because of the strategic combat although I think I can take some comfort in the fact that it's turn based in FF. I recently played Dragon Age Origins and was completely useless at the strategic combat, even on the easy settings I kept dying and ended up giving up. Combat and strategy doesn't seem to work so well with me. Anyway, I really like the style and presentation of the characters in Anime so fancy trying a good looking JRPG. I see that God Eater 2 is reduced from £40 to £16 for the next few days on Humble Bumble so might pick that one up along with a FF as well...