Neverwinter Nights - Is it good?

14 May 2006
Just been going through my cupboards and found neverwinter nights, never played it but its been sitting there for a year. Whats peoples opinions on this game? I've heard bits and bobs about it but never really paid attention. Is it a good play? *watches it install*
I found the single player to be "average" - but then the SP Campaign was always the secondary goal of NWN...its main aim was to be a DM/Multiplayer game - which it excels at.

However, if the SP campaign is what your after, there are two offical expansion packs that are supposed to be excellent.

But check out the Bioware website - there are TONS of premium (ie, cost $5) modules and TONS of free user created modules. Plus their are plenty of persistant worlds out there too.
The Expansion packs were a lot better, but SP isn't really where it's at. There a plenty of 'persistent' NWN servers out there, MMORPG, but with less players.

Peope seem to enjoy them, not me, but they do.
i got given this off a mate, after he said it was awesome... reviews are great from what i remember too and most people say its a top game...

i however... found it buggy, uninspiring and often boring... i never got a sense of "wow i've got to keep playing to do X" or "just five more minutes... then i'll go to bed"... you know that feeling, the one you get when you're truely absorbed by a game? i didn't get any of that at all :(
I found multiplayer to be really good in the short time that i played it, there's loads of different servers out there that range from from dedicated roleplaying to pvp to general...etc. Still haven't got more than a few hours into the single player campaign after all these years though :o
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Best thing about it is the GM mode you get to play with. It gives the definitive answers to all those who is tougher, a Samurai or a Night. just create acouple and autoplay them in an areana....
its amazing actually, if a bit long winded. If you play the single player campaign and the expansions inc kingmaker etc expect to play for over 200 hours!!! Dont expect breath taking graphics but lots of depth and a great story.
I've been eyeing up NWN Deluxe for some time as I found the KOTOR games very enjoyable. Is it best to start with the original game and move onto the expansions from there, or simply start with the expansions?
I found NWN to be awesome in single player but botched everything up by forgetting to back up my save game when i formatted :mad: :( Havent been able to make myself redo it all as of yet :(
I've only played the Single Player game, but I really enjoyed it, a good D&D game if that's what you're after, the plot's a little unoriginal but there's some good stuff in there.
After the first city on sp, you realise each subsequent city is pretty much identical with just different tasks at each of the 5 surrounding areas..

Intense dullness imo after a few hours.

Its great fun in the first city.. less so in the second then declines a lot.
Enjoyed it a lot at the start though, and it does take a while.

The basics of the single player is this:

You go to the city.. big plague, have to stop it by going to each of the 4-5 surrounding areas through the gates and solve the mystery in each one, then once thats done you move to the next location with another 4-5 exits to other places to solve mysteries.
Not open ended or anything.

On the flipside, I loved kotor :p
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Definitely start with the two expansions and ignore the original game - it's complete pants compared to the expansions. The second expansion in particular, Hordes of the Underdark, is loads of fun.
After I played BG1+2, I tried playing this. In comparison, this is utter *brown unpleasant substance*. Never tried the multiplayer, the single player p-ed me off so much, you never really found out the end of the story, and then the single player continued it.

Still have my cd-key though, depsite not having it anymore, so may redownload the CDs and use my old key to try multiplayer.
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