New 27" advice - hold me back!

8 May 2020
Hello all,

I've decided to get a new monitor and was getting out of control with my purchase ideas. Then, after a sanity kick, I recalled my graphics card was the RTX 2070 Super - so perhaps the 4k, 340Hz plan may have been too much...

I'm not sure realistically what I should be aiming for. I think a 1440 IPS - I play some FPS, but also games like Football Manager, which I think wouldn't suit an OLED as the image is rather static. I have an older 27" screen, so either the same size, or a little bigger. I'm suspecting around 165-170 HZ will suit my graphics card better? I use it to watch films as well, so reasonable colour and contrast (as much as one can hope from IPS anyway). I've checked many reviews and a few of interest seem impossible to get in the UK - so that's an issue as well! I think there are a couple of MSI that could work. I was hoping for some reasonable HDR, but that seems a bit hit and miss as well. The Cooler Master looked promising, but have heard a few horror stories of flickering that put me off. I think my limit is about £800, but it would need to tick a few boxes for that!

Any help appreciated. Might see if any good offers over the Black Friday period as well.

Many thanks
I have had a look at OLED, but it's not for me at the moment. Thank you though. The MSI MPG321QRF looks interesting, just not too bright. I've had LG before and they were ok. Any thoughts?
Iam on this


Best monitor I have had to date....and I have had a few lol. Look it up, I am sure its on offer at the moment
I had shortlisted this one. Thanks for the info. Was the colour ok? Heard a few people say it can be oversaturated and I don't have any fancy tools to calibrate.
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