New 350D plus dust?

11 Oct 2003
Just got a new 350D - but I notice a small black blob in the viewfinder - alongside the seven autofocus squares.

It doesn't show up on any images taken with the camera - so I guess it must be a speck of dust/foreign matter on the mirror?

Can anybody suggest what I should do - is it cleanable?

I've been ultra careful when changing the lens - it was there from day 1 :(
Cheers for that mrk, looks like I'll just have to get used to it....

As you look into the body of the 350, whereabouts is this mirror?

Or am I better off just living with it?

I knew this was a potential drawback of a DSLR, but didn't expect it to happen quite so soon!
themask70 said:
I would just use a lens cloth if it is only on the mirror for the view finder, i do that and it seems prefectly safe.

Yeah, I'm certain that's where it is.......
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