New 4k TV, choice of 2 LG models.

17 Jul 2010
Going from an old but still venerable Panasonic TH-42PZ80BA 1080p Plasma set that must be 6 years old and work has an offer of a 4K TV with discount, spread across 12 months of your wages.

I have a choice of 3 that are within my affordability budget, but I figure the 49UF850V is neither here nor there. I'm not going to pay £5 per month extra just for 3D so it's really a choice between the 55UF850V and the 49UF770V

55UF850V UHD 55" ULTRA HD 4K TV, Smart TV with webOS, CINEMA 3D, 2 x 3D glasses

49UF850V UHD 49" ULTRA HD 4K TV, Smart TV with webOS, CINEMA 3D, 2 x 3D glasses I think I've discounted this one. I don't see the point in it as other than the 3D it appears to have exactly the same specification as the 770V below, therefore doesn't interest me

49UF770V UHD 49" ULTRA HD 4K TV, Smart TV with webOS

is going from 42" to 49" a big enough jump? 3D doesn't interest me in the slightest and the difference between the 2 49" sets is only £5 a month. The big difference is the price between the 55 and the 49, going from £58.67 per month to £80.67, a £22 increase and only just manageable.

Content will mainly be from my Sky+HD box, although I have a PS3 for the occasional Blu-Ray and a Roku box to stream from my PC as well.

Any thoughts on the merits of the 55" over the 49"? Is bigger always better?
A 49" screen is going to be a big increase in overall screen size compared to a 42" roughly 40% bigger in overall screen area.

However going from a plasma to a LCD the picture quality is likely to be a downgrade an your unlikely be able able to make use of any of the sets 4k resolution.
The LG 850v is horrid. I tried the 55" and returned it, The motion blur on it is very bad. It also lights the screen from the top and bottom edges so any films with black bars has bad light halos. It's also painfully slow at times the smart interface was good bad it lagged really badly even turning the volume up or changing channels was delayed.

I swapped it for a Sony which was also returned but was considerably better but also more expensive.
why buy a "4K" tv to find that they will either skip 4K and go straight to 8K or they decide to go with 4K and the tv wont be compatible as they havn't even written the white notes for a 4K connector/lead or anything. Dont waste your money and wait a year.
why buy a "4K" tv to find that they will either skip 4K and go straight to 8K or they decide to go with 4K and the tv wont be compatible as they havn't even written the white notes for a 4K connector/lead or anything. Dont waste your money and wait a year.

HDMI2 and displayport 1.2 support 4k
Only displayport 1.3 supports 8k

4k is being 'driven' by the panel manufacturers in preparation for next years Olympics, so realistically we're not likely to see 8k until the Olympics after.
Decided I couldn't justify 4k so got a 32" 1080p set for the bedroom to replace the 28" CRT I'm still using and a new iPad. We will see what happens next year as I have no real intention of subscribing to Netflix or Amazon Prime.
A couple of French sites mention The 850 have HDCP 2.2 compliance.

Amazon have quite a few film's in Ultra Hd but you have to buy them at £20 or more right now, Orphan Black looks good though, As Does Bloodlines and Marco Polo on Netflix.
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