New 4k ultra HD TV

10 Dec 2014
Hello ! so first of all i would like to buy a new telly , my budget is 1000£.
Can you offer for me good telly to play games with ps4 , good fps and things like that and watch 4k movies on netflix.
All i want 42-50 inches TV. Thanks a lot ! waiting for offers :)
Oh man. Your last post tells me you need to do a hell of a lot of research before splashing a grand on a TV. Start on and do your own research and learn what the different terms mean. DO NOT rock up to Currys with a grand in your pocket. DO however visit and find sets you like the look of the picture quality on, then find the cheapest place to buy it. Then go to John Lewis and if they stock get them to price match with their nice extended warranty.
Heed advice of Metallifux and GSXR.

If you really can't be bothered to research then get either this
review here

or this
review here

Bear in mind reviews are for different sizes so there may be some slight differences. Unlikely to be major, just read the reviews thoroughly.

These are the only two 4K TVs in that price range that don't badly compromise Picture Quality over resolution.
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I have the Samsung UE48HU7500 and I am very impressed so far. It's a lot of TV for the money and with a bit of adjustment the picture is great. There is only a limited amount of 4K material around to show it off at the moment but it's up-scaled picture is pretty damned good, especially when you chuck a Blu Ray through it.
Another thing I would point out is that in general the response times for gaming do not tend to be very good on 4K TV's due to having to upscale the incoming picture to 4k (Unless you are throwing 4K natively I suppose). I haven't used this TV for gaming and to be honest my aged and creaking reactions are such that it probably wouldn't make a blind bit of notice to me, but I have my Xbox One plugged into my Sony 46W905A which has very good response times anyway.

Hope that helps.

Also TV's obviously have scalers in them anyway, otherwise Standard Definition would appear in a small box in the middle of the screen.

Therefore players with 'upscaling' features is just marketing rubbish.
I'd personally wait until xmas / January . Blu ray 4k players will be out then , and more 4k streaming content . Plus the specs of the TV's will be better . It's whats holding me back atm . Cant pull the trigger as I'm waiting on blu ray
I'd wait a few more weeks untill the 2015 range of 4K tellies start appearing for sale.

Each of the following has decided to use different OS for some of them E.G.

Samsung = Tizen
Panasonic = Firefox OS
LG = WebOS
Sony = Android

Doesn't mean they'll be any good though, I'd wait for reviews.
Personally as long as they have have a source button that changes quickly and a great display I don't care what OS they run on. That comes from what you plug into them (media streamer/BD/PC etc.).
I just got a LG 42UB820V from local super market for £399 (bit less with other discounts) The HDMI 2.0 port is labeled as 60hz ports. Though I don't have a PS4 to test it. Could try my GTX960 on it.
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