New acrylic case

10 Sep 2003
hello, i purchased a see-through acrylic case from an online auction site and althouh the case was brand new there were no instructions for it.

When it came to fitting in the CD and floppy drives, the left screws were easy to install since the left panel of the case was already open, since i had already installed the motherboard.

When i had to install the screws on the right side of the Cd and floppy drives, I had to open the right panel of the case, and in doing so discovered that in addition to the small screws along the edge, there were 11 bigger screws to open. I proceeded to unscrew these only to discover that these actually held the motherboard to the right case panel. As I unscrewed more of these bigger screws, the weight of the motherboard + HSF caused one of the bolts on which the motherboard rested to break off. It was on the other end of the bolt that were located the screws I was in the process of unscrewing.

I stopped unscrewing and now I have lost a bolt and have no screws on the right hand side of my CD and floppy drives or hard drive.

Please help, thanks.
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