New Active Folder

25 Aug 2004
Chester, England
Hi guys, not posted in here before but thought I may as well now since Im getting into this Folding lark ;) .
Currently running F@H on my main PC so its running 1 core on an E6600 at 3.2Ghz and on my X1900XT.
X1900XT is doing 5:45 per frame atm so fairly bringing in the points!
Hopefully might make into the top 100 soon (currently 130ish).
5:45 per frame, nice. Your X1900 alone will be bringing in ~825 PPD assuming its running 24/7. Probably closer to 600-700 if you do a lot of gaming.

Welcome to the team!

Make sure you parp people that you're about to stomp though, the natives can get a little peeved if they get trampled on without prior notice :eek:
Like so

Parp parp The Tross :p

You have about 11 days at current output though my output varies massivley from day to day :o

So I'll catch you sooner or later :)
Am I right in thinking parping should only really start when im top 100? Before that surely its just too easy to go through people to bother with?

Nah my X1900XT is just the HIS version but have managed to get it up to 682/820 stable :).
I generally only parp people who post regularly. So generally speaking that's the top 100. Still, it's always nice to issue a parp from time to time.

LordShadow said:
Am I right in thinking parping should only really start when im top 100? Before that surely its just too easy to go through people to bother with?

Nah my X1900XT is just the HIS version but have managed to get it up to 682/820 stable :).

Basic rule of thumb is to parp active members.

Nice clock on that - best I could manage on the HIS crossfire edition was 675/801 stable :)

Stan :)
shadowscotland said:
And nice single cruncher - check the news you should have a good position in the singles chart :D
Did I miss a request? :confused:

I'm happy to add to the single crunchers but tend not to do so unless people ask specifically, preferably in the single crunchers thread so I don't lose it and forget :p

If we're parping Top 100 and regular posters here's a gentle lean on the centre of the steering wheel from Neil to StevenG...

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