New Aego M how to setup

22 May 2007
I have some new Aego M speakers and am having a bit of difficulty in setting them up can anyone explain where the wires go and do the + - ones have to be the right way round.

Yes they do. Have you read the manual?

The manual is 2 pages. Right I think I`ve got it, what was confusing me was the centre input and cables but I don't have a centre do I? So I just need to connect the red/white cable into the input left/right on the subwoofer and the other end goes into soundcard. Then connect the wires on the end of the long grey cables into the + - points on the subwoofer and the other end into the speakers themselves. Therefore I have 2 spare cables one with minijacks on both ends and the other with minijack and wire + red/white connector on other end.

EDIT: The only thing is there is no marking on the speaker cable to say which goes into + and -
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They might work, but they might also be out of phase if you've wired them up incorrectly. It won't do any damage, but it'll play subtle hell with your sound.

See the response from "ChrisWiggles" in the following thread for a nice explanation:

I checked out how I had them connected and I`d managed to connect the wire with the ----- on it into the negative point, on the other cable there was no ------ up around the end of the cable but further down there was and I`d managed to connect the cable which the ----- was on into the negative point as well, so it looks like I managed to connect them right without being extra carefull.
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