New Alienware X51 haswell

16 Sep 2009
Just been looking at one of these as i'm looking to replace my large Silverstone FT02 for something at least half the size.

With 7% discount and free postage, I could get one of the new Haswell X51's for £1080 with an i7 4770, 8GB mem, 2TB drive, 670 GTX.

I costed up a similar size of PC around a Silverstone FT03 and for a i5 4670, 8GB mem, no SSD, corsair H60, Quality corsair 860w psu, Gigabyte sniper mobo the cost would be around the same.

Seriously thinking about saving the hassle this time and going for an Alienware X51.
I would normally agree that making a custom system would be the best option but Dell seem to have upped their game with the new Haswell X51. I would have purchased already if the system had a NVidia 770 GTX in it instead of the older tech. Maybe they will update it again soon?
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