New AMP for my Diamond 220's?

28 Jan 2011
Hey guys,

I currently have a budget setup for my PC. Im using two Wharfedale Diamond 220's and a TIBO TI435 amplifier.

Now, TBF the amp is OK, lasted me a few years now, but I find for bass, im left a little short? :(

Would a more powerful AMP be more benificial for me? Or would the speakers be the "bottleneck"? Im really not sure, but I have a feeling the speakers can handle more than the AMP can output??

any help welcomed! :)
A better amp will give you more control over bass, but if you find it lacking in bass, add a subwoofer. Or replace the speakers with larger speakers with wider frequency response.

You'll need a subwoofer that has high level inputs, and check if it's safe to use with that amp (is that amp class D?)
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A better amp will give you more control over bass, but if you find it lacking in bass, add a subwoofer. Or replace the speakers with larger speakers with wider frequency response.

You'll need a subwoofer that has high level inputs, and check if it's safe to use with that amp (is that amp class D?)

i have the bass set on +6 on the AMP, (which is maximum), I thought about a sub..

And regarding about being class D, I have no clue mate! :cry: I bought it from the rain forest Dec. 2020, been most days, so its holding up well tbh..
Would a more powerful AMP be more benificial for me?
Yes. 220's have got decent bass. Not the power its the quality! That Tibo ain't great. I went 2x50W Denon to 2x30W Naim and bass is waaaay better. So depends on budget? This would make those Wharfies sing
Budget for a sub? There's BK subs they have high level input.
Check with your amp as BK use the Rel high level (three cables) which can damage a class D amp.

the only problem I have is floor space for a sub, i did have one, decent one, but it was a faf, as it needed manually turned on etc.. was a right PITA.

Yes. 220's have got decent bass. Not the power its the quality! That Tibo ain't great. I went 2x50W Denon to 2x30W Naim and bass is waaaay better. So depends on budget? This would make those Wharfies sing

Yeah, I bought the TIBO on a budget, and has been OK for the few years, but like you say, I wasnt 100% sure if it was more the amp, or the speakers causing some "limitations".
Buy bigger speakers, like Kef R3 style where they have wider frequency response.
Upgrade your amp also.

my monitors have dual ports for connection, by that I mean, on the back, the red and black jacks, are double (currently only have one set hooked up as AMP doesnt support both), why are there double there?
@turbot1984 that CA AMP took me back to my DJing days when I was younger, I cannot remember the model number..but me and my mate had them, they were great, also very budget at the things have changed! Mabye im just getting old! :(
Just had a look at those Kef R3, a little bit more expensive than my 220's :p

They look so so sleek though, i must admit.

Or these ;-)

Ignoring the price, they have another bass driver so they're a larger standmount, with wider FR. In a smaller room you won't need a sub for two channel music.

These aren't too bad second hand seen a pair for £450
@turbot1984 that CA AMP took me back to my DJing days when I was younger, I cannot remember the model number..but me and my mate had them, they were great, also very budget at the things have changed! Mabye im just getting old! :(
Yeah, always had good reviews. I've got previous version of these hooked up to Naim pre/power .... bass is brilliant for size of speaker, I even keep rear ports bunged theres so much bass. The TIBO wont drive them well though.
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