New and confused...

3 Jul 2012
Hullo all, new here... I found a thread on your forums through google and I was hoping to send a PM to someone that started it, but now that I'm registered I've looked all over the user control panel.. their public profile page, and I can't find any possible way to PM someone.

I don't understand why you've made it so difficult to do 'basic' forum features here that every other forum on the internet allows... is it in some hidden place that's not obvious?
If you want to contact someone privately you need to enable your "trust" (see the bottom corner of your post or your user CP) then contact them via this. It will send them an email. And welcome!
Wow.. this has to be the first forums on the internet I've ever yet to see that doesn't allow private messages. I wouldn't of even bothered to waste time going through that (incredibly stupidly annoying) registration process had I known this. You folks really should make this known in a sticky post somewhere that PM's don't exist here, specifically something folks can read without having to register.
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