New Asus Xonar drivers

20 Dec 2004
Hertford, UK
Just a heads up, there are new beta drivers up at asus that claim to fix a few things (D2, D2X, D1, DX):

- Upgrade new DS3D GX v.2.5 3D sound engine to support more vivid environmental reverberation sound effects for games and music.
- Fixed Bugs:
1. No music in Mass Effects game
2. Crash issue in Oblivion game

I've installed but not tested in game yet, but the claimed Mass Effect fix will be great if it's true - I've been playing it in 2-channel software mode.
Don't see it will benefit me much. I use digital output into an amp so i get full sound instead of 2 channel sound.

Might take a look later though.

Oooh - Beta drivers. Make's me hesitant. I think I just fixed an intermittent BSOD that's been plaguing me since June that turned out to be caused by nVIDIA beta drivers.

Nice to see Asus are updating things though. Does EAX3 work in Rome: Total War yet?
I've installed the new drivers and so far so good. Don't know if theres a difference in sound quality, never really had a chance to experience it yet, only had the soundcard a week :p
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