New AW3821dw Monitor HDMi Issue

17 Nov 2020

Just received the new Alienware monitor today and setting it up. It works great on my desktop pc via the DP and HDMI. Will only use the DP as HDMi restricts it to 80hz as it's only 2.0.

The problems start when I try to connect my laptop or surface pro via HDMI (using the same cable as I use for the desktop). On either they will not detect the display and the monitor goes into sleep mode. On the laptop I am pretty restricted as it's a work one that I dont have admin rights to so can't update drivers etc. However on the Surface pro I have updated the graphic drivers, windows 10 and also downloaed the dell drivers. Makes no difference still no display detection.

Any ideas what could be going on is it likely it's only compatible with new graphic cards and their drivers. My desktop is running a RTX 3080.

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