So, One of my rear speakers stopped working and I mailed Logitech and got the following message below that may interest some people . .
Dear Mr 'DS',
You have recently contacted Logitech’s Customer Support as your Z-5500 speaker system produces a popping sound. You expressed your wish to receive an improved version of this set by the end of June.
After sending out the first batch of optimized speakers last month, we received mixed feedback. All customers who received the new speakers found that the popping issue was reduced. For some, it has reduced the popping to an acceptable level; for others it hasn’t.
Logitech has evaluated this feedback and we have decided upon a last solution which we hope you will find more acceptable. It is not Logitech’s culture to disappoint its customers.
This means that we continue to investigate the popping issue. We suggest using the results of our investigation to hand-build a few prototype speakers which a number of customers can test in real environments susceptible to popping.
If those customers feel satisfied with the prototypes and we manage to certify them, Logitech will produce a limited number of units. However, if the prototypes prove unsatisfactory to the customers, we will not offer a short term solution and take on all the learnings from the investigation and bring them into our future products.
Although I have high hopes that we will be able to offer you a satisfactory solution, I want to be honest too and emphasize that we cannot guarantee this process will be successful. It certainly will require more patience from you – the whole process might take up to six months. Nevertheless, we think it is right to go this extra mile.
In addition, we would like to offer a further option for you to choose from, namely the opportunity to replace your speakers with Logitech’s Z5450 speakers.
This means you now have four options you can choose from:
1. you can choose to await the outcome of our investigation and accept one of the “limited edition” speakers we intend to develop, test and certify. As said, there is no guarantee this investigation will result in these speakers being developed and the process may take up to six months;
2. you can still choose to receive an optimized speaker set which we can deliver in the coming few weeks. All customers who already received such unit have noticed an improvement on the popping noise with these speakers, although some still experience noise. If you choose this option, you will not qualify for another replacement should the prototypes be developed and certified;
3. you can also choose to accept the Logitech Z5450 Digital wireless speakers. We realize these are not the Z5500, but the Z5450 speakers are closest in terms of performance and wireless. Detailed product specifications are available on If you choose this option, you will not qualify for another replacement should the prototypes be developed and certified;
4. you can request a refund. We will require (a copy of) the original purchase receipt for this.
We look forward to hearing from you which of these options you prefer to choose. Please reply to us until Friday 30.06.2006. If we do not hear from you until that time, we will presume you wish to wait for one of our “limited edition” speakers to be developed.
In closing, I apologize for the inconvenience and would like to thank you once again for your patience and understanding.
Kind regards,
Ben Gorter,
European Customer Support Manager