New Bits of PC needed (Advice Please)

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002

I used to build PCs for myself all the time, but for the past few years I just couldn't be bothered. Anyway, I have a Dell Dimension 8300 PoS.. which has served me well for a couple of years.

The only upgrades it's had are graphics card and a bit of extra memory.

I reckon I'll have about £1000-1200 to play with. Is there anything I can salvage from:

P4 3ghz 800mhz jobbie thing
2gb DDR3200 memory
nV 6600GT gfx
SB Audigy 2
CDRW/DVD R drives

What I'd like to do is upgrade the graphics bigtime, but it's only got an AGP slot - I know there's some pretty high end AGP cards just come out, but I think PCI-E would be better (?)

So... I'll be upgrading the Motherboard too... but that means getting a new case (probably, although I suppose I could use my ancient GW802 that's full of holes if all else fails). I don't need silly speeds - so if possible i'd like to use my existing memory - shouldn't slow things down THAT much should it?

CPU - is it worth upgrading that? Maybe an athlon 64 or something like that perhaps, how much faster than a 3ghz p4 would it be...

I would like the (almost) best graphics card(s) I could buy. But i'm not made of money...

I don't need a full system in that I can live with my current optical drives/monitor/keyboard/mouse.. maybe a new sound card would be good too...


Mobo, CPU, Memory(???), Graphics Card(s SLI looks nice if affordable) and perhaps case and suitable cooling for it - I'd like quietness. I don't want to overclock, but it has to be able to keep everything cool at fairly warm room temperatures in a room with next to no air circulation around the pc case.

£1200 would be an absolute upper limit - the cheaper the better but I'd like good quality stuff. It's gonna be used for games.

Thanks in advance for your recommendations :)
Man of Honour
17 Feb 2003
Firstly you system looks fine. I’m assuming that your system is an AGP system then you can upgrade to maybe a Geforce 7800gs to speed up your 3d performance and will enable you to play all the latest games at good frame rates. So personally, I don’t see the need for you to make a massive leap in technology for little gain.

If you do opt for SLi then you are indeed looking at a new motherboard, CPU, PSU, and Graphics card because the SLi runs on the Nforce 4 platfom which uses PCI_E. The only thing I can see you can salvage is the memory, SB and DVD.

Save money, go for the 7800gs until such time you really need to make that jump.
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Man of Honour
27 Sep 2004
If you wanted the upgrade then you could save your Ram, soundcard and optical drive quite easily.

If you are generally happy with the system but want a bit of an improvement on the graphics card front then you are probably best going with Mr Huddy's advice and getting the 7800gs which is about equivalent to a 6800ultra.
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