New Budget for build

11 Jul 2008
Hi I have posted varies threads but now would like to build a budget system as I don't feel the real need to have that good of a system but would definitely want the following:

Budget around £250

Ecute Black ATX Case Side Windows 550W PSU
OCZ 2GB (2x1GB)PC2-6400C4 DC Platinum Rev2 XTC Series DDR2
Samsung SpinPoint F1 500GB (on offer) or 640GB

I would like a microATX board with onboard GPU and sound I have a new Sony LCD on its way so not sure may need a separate card to watch media downloads?

Really want advice on CPU, Motherboard and may need a separate PSU and G/card?

Many thanks!
Heres what ive just ordered:

# Gigabyte GA-MA78GM-S2H, AMD 780G, S AM2+
# 2GB (2x1GB) Corsair TwinX XMS2, DDR2 PC2-6400
# 500 GB Samsung HD502IJ Spinpoint F1
# AMD Athlon 64 X2 4450e AM2 Dual Core 2.3GHz

So that leaves you about £100 for seperate stuff and case.
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