New build crashing with error beep

12 Jun 2004
Hi all

I built a new rig about 3 days ago and it seems to be having problems.

When I was playing CoD4 the screen went a grey/black colour and the sound stopped. I had to press the restart button and when it booted back up the screen was still grey/black and showing nothing. I then heard 1 long beeeeep followed by 3 short beeps.
I restarted for the 2nd time and it booted up OK. I was also able to play CoD4 again with no problems.

Since then I have run IBT 3 times and it passed fine. I also ran memtest86 for two hours and it passed OK. I also ran Prime95 all last night (6 hours) and it had no errors.
CPU temps never exceed ~46C under full load.
GPU temps can hit 78C when gaming.

I thought all was OK until I just tried the Crysis demo. About 5 mins into the demo the exact same thing happened - screen went grey/black with no sound and nothing on screen.
I restarted and the screen was still grey/black and it made the same error beeps (1 long followed by 3 short).
I now can't get into the BIOS or anything, the screen is just black and I keep getting those error beeps.

My PC specs;
Intel C2D E8400 @ stock
Asus P5Q Pro
OCZ 4GB (2x2GB) PC2-8500C5 Platinum series
EVGA GTX260-216
Enermax Modu82+ 625W PSU
Western Digital Blue Caviar 640GB
Windows Vista x64

I have looked through the P5Q Pro manual and I can't find what that error code means.

Any help would be much appreciated!
I've managed to get it to boot up OK now. I've been searching the web and apparently that error beep is something to do with the video card.
I suspected it was the GPU because;

1) It only ever happens while gaming.
2) My system passes Prime95 and IBT - surely if it was the RAM it would fail those tests?
3) Apparently that beep error code means no video card or bad video RAM.

I think I will run memtest86 all night and try reseating the GTX260 tomorrow. If memtest86 passes and it still crashes after reseating the GFX card I think I will RMA it. :(
Are the power connectors in your gtx firm and it is properly seated yeah?

I triple checked when I installed it so I am 95% sure, but I will check again in a minute.

Yup, it could be that the GPU isn't getting enough power, what's your 12v rail running at?

I do have the same PSU though and it's solid with my 260 ocx.

12v rail is stable in BIOS. I don't think it is the PSU because I have seriously stressed the system using IBT and Prime95 for hours. Surely that would cause it to crash if it was a power issue?
It only seems to happen in games.

Have a look at this thread. There are five other people in there who have recently bought 260s and are getting similar symptoms, especially with Crysis. I think there might be a bad batch around.

Thanks. The guy in that thread is having the exact same symptoms as me which is worrying.
I just tried the Crysis demo again and the exact same thing happened at the same stage in the demo too. I haven't been able to get into the game yet, I only get as far as the movie right before the actual gameplay starts.
I also noticed as soon as I start the demo my GTX260 makes a horrible squealing noise. I have seen it mentioned on here before and people said it was the capacitors or something - well this noise is far louder than I expected. I can easily hear it anywhere in the room and it only seems to happen in Crysis.

I'm still not 100% sure what those error beep codes are either. I found this website; which shows 1 long beep followed by 3 short beeps is a memory problem. My BIOS is made by American Megatronics Inc (AMI).

I'm going to try reseating the graphics card now and try Crysis again, then I will run memtest86 overnight.
I reseated the GFX card and RAM and checked all the connections. It managed to play Crysis OK after that so I thought it was fixed, but I ran memtest86 for 8hrs 45mins overnight and it found 59 errors... Maybe it is the RAM afterall?

I have everything in the BIOS set to AUTO except;

DRAM Frequency; 1066MHz
DRAM Voltage; 2.1V
Timings; 5-5-5-18

Those are the correct settings for this RAM aren't they?
Yep, they're the right settings, I have the same RAM.


What BIOS version are you running, seem to remember there being a problem with older BIOSes and OCZ RAM?

I think it's v02.61. I asked on the OCZ forums before buying it if it would work OK and I was assured that it would by someone who works for OCZ. :confused:
It if it the RAM isn't it a bit strange how it only seems to crash in games, or would that be expected?
It seems to pass Prime95 and IBT OK.
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