New build for CS4.

19 Dec 2010

I have to put two systems together for a friend of mine for CS4. It's just the computers, mice and keyboards that he is looking for as he already has monitors.

His budget isn't set in stone, but the max he is thinking about spending is £550.

Can anyone recommend a build that would be good for CS4?

I was thinking of this

With windows 7 pro installed. Do you think that would be a good system?

Or Would something like this be better

It has slight slower processor, but I was thinking of getting it with 8GB of ram and two 500GB hard drives. Which makes it about £3 more expensive than the other computer that I posted.

I am also just presuming that the Ocuk computers come with keyboard and mouse included??

Or can anyone list parts for a system good for CS4, including windows 7 pro, for around the £520 mark?

Is there much point in spending the extra for Win 7 Pro?

The second has a **** PSU which would need to be changed.
Well, according to lots of people CS4 doesn't work on Windows 8. But it does on windows 7, so I can't take the chance that i get a PC that they can't work on. Oops, sorry, you mean get Windows 7 home premium. I never even seen it until I looked just now, didn't realise it was an option at all!! :-)

AS for the second PC, well I cant find out any details on the power supply, but would OCuk take a chance on supplying systems power supplies that weren't up to the task in hand?
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