New build for iracing in VR - £2.5k



27 Sep 2009
I only use my pc for iracing. My current PC (i5 - 6600k) is now on it's last legs and can only cope with lowest settings as long as it doesn't rain and isn't a night race. I'm still using a CV1 so will also be looking at other headsets, but not part of this budget.

What is the most I can get from this budget for VR only iracing? I can go slightly over budget if it will make a big difference.
Hi .

There are new GPUs due to be released are you prepared the wait or do you want it asp.

Self build or pre built pc ?

Which headset do you have ?
Ideally i would want to order at the latest beginning of March, so can wait a bit for the new grahics cards to be released.

Happy to self build.

Currently leaning towards Quest 3, it appears to be best value for money.
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Thanks, that does look solid. I know people have a less problems in iRacing with nvidea cards, so would you then say the 4080 is the card to go for?
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Thanks, that does look solid. I know people have a less problems in iRacing with nvidea cards, so would you then say the 4080 is the card to go for?
Yes if you prefer the 4080 super is it's a solid choice.

Best read reviews and benchmarks check specifications and clearances to concur but everything I specced fits in that case.

I picked a AOI water cooler for a clean look which fits in the top of the flux case but you could go air. Thermalright phantom spirit is the go to air cooler
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A lot of unknowns and guesswork at the moment, but with it being *this* close probably worth waiting regardless, only reason not to would be if it actually caused an uplift in 2nd hand card pricing, but doesn't look like you're considering that anyway.

As a side note, I would consider 2nd hand for a GPU, potentially save a couple of hundred £.
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