Ive decided my next build is to be a micro PC and I knew going into it that I would face a few limitations but having bought a few components I'm realising how restricting those limitations are. :s
I have a m/b, a Gigabyte GA-F2A88XM-DS2 Socket FM2+ and a Coolermaster Elite 120 Advanced Mini ITX case but I am having trouble finding a suitable CPU cooler. Knowing the limitations now I maybe should have thought more on my choice of case and m/b.
Does anyone have any recommendations for coolers?
I have a m/b, a Gigabyte GA-F2A88XM-DS2 Socket FM2+ and a Coolermaster Elite 120 Advanced Mini ITX case but I am having trouble finding a suitable CPU cooler. Knowing the limitations now I maybe should have thought more on my choice of case and m/b.
Does anyone have any recommendations for coolers?