New build not waking from sleep

26 Feb 2004
Hampshire, England.
Hi guys,

I installed Windows 10 the other night for a friend on a brand new i5 build. All is well but it won't wake from sleep? He used his old USB mouse/keyboard a lcd monitor.

I'm power settings I got him to change hard drive off to never and monitor off to 10 minutes. It still doesn't wake. Could it be an incompatible monitor or are there any other settings we could try?

Any ideas?
In control panel
Power settings
Advanced settings I think
Try USB selective suspend option
May be named slightly different
Not much sleep myself lol
So brain is on go slow
Right now
Thanks! I couldn't see anything in Power Settings though, relating to USB? Bios, maybe?
Bit more on info on this one, the users have confirmed that the machine is waking up from 'natural' sleep, but not when they (for whatever reason?!) put it to sleep themselves...

Before knowing the above, and clutching at straws, I changed the below, in the hopes it might fix the issue?



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