New Build Outline - Advice Please



28 Sep 2008
I'm due a rebuild, my 3570k and 7950 are getting on a bit.

I'm probably going to reuse my case, it's a corsair tower, o forget it's name. But has plenty of cooling, think it's 3 top, 2 front, 2 side, 2 rear. Though the front panel is a pain to remove. So a new case isn't out of the question.

I'll reuse my psu. It's a modular one, think it's a hx1000 (rings a bell)

I'm looking at the 6700k, seems to be to go to choice. Unless something else is better for gaming?

Mobo I'm undecided, but Asus Hero looks reasonable.

Gpu, looking at 1070 sea hawk, or the gaming x.
Quite like the aic idea, potentially get one for the cpu too. I do t fancy building my own loop again.

Ram, undecided on speed etc. I'm a bit out of touch. But probably 32gb (got 16 now)

I'll swap my sdd and my htpc. So will get a new one, a Samsung evo I'd guess.
Is it worth getting one of the newer m2 / nvm ones for os? Or just spend the extra and get one large evo.
I'm happy with my boot speeds. So unless they are much faster, and maybe put a couple of games on os drive too?

Anything I'm overlooking? Budget is very flexible.

Oh I have a Benq 2420xl -120hz. I prefer to run high fps, so not sure I'll be swapping to 1440. Again, I'm pretty happy with it as it. Just struggling to run high fps in newer games. Even on potato settings.
Thanks for the replies.

I was on my phone, forgot i even had a sig :)

I must say, i hadnt thought of just swapping my GPU. This system is coming up to 4 years old now. So just assumed it was past its best.

Playing The Division, i sit around 60fps, but thats obviously with settings right down.

Cooler wise, i have a Noctua N14 DH, which i gather is still among the best. Ive never had any issues with temps in my Corsair 300R.

So the 3570K wont be bottlenecking, or causing any issues with a 1070 ? Or losing performance.
I haven't used an amd for many many years! They haven't had much to compete have they?

I've seen a few videos, with the 6700k pulling a fair few frames more than the 3570k. I assume it was the same card used.
Im just struggling to get my head around, my 4-5 year old CPU, being no real different in gaming terms, than the latest ones.

I was going to order some bits, but think i may hold off until theres stock of a card im thinking of.
Ive entered full research mode.

Come across quite a few recent threads on here, saying a 3570k will bottleneck, maybe only some game, and maybe not much if overclocked.

Im going to order a card over the weekend. I changed from the MSi to a Zotac Amp Extreme. Ill stick with the 1070, as there is no way im paying £700 for the 1080! Bloody Brexit!
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