New build problem

8 Jul 2003
In a house
Hi everyone.

Right my mates having trouble with his new rig not powering up, heres what hes just got here .

At first he had his old x800 in, as he wanted to get it up and running make sure it was a ok before putting the x1900 in, but on first powering up lights came on but nowt, so he tried his old psu, worked, so then tried new one again would'nt, so he had a bit of a fiddle with the cables, and it eventually came on perfect.

He got windows installed then powered off as it was fine, popped in the x1900, and it wont boot again, powers on for about 5 secs, quick spin of the fans then powers off, tried old PSU again, same thing.

Any ideas thanks. :)

Forgot to say he popped the x800 back in again, and its the same thing, quick fan spin, then off.
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Something loose somewhere?
Test the new PSU in another rig, but it sounds as if there is a cable loose in it somewhere, which the taking out etc. is wiggling- RMA jobbie.
Oh, you are sure every cable has been plugged in properly, including the CPU fan header?

Yeah its all connected up fine, all he did was take out his x800, and pop in the x1900 and now it wont boot with either, hes tried wiggling the cables and still the same.

Thanks. :)
You put the x800 back in and it works fine? Both graphics cards use the same PCI-E connector? (pro is 4 pin, yes?). Can you try the 1900 in something else, only way to be sure. Tried both 16x slots?
No, after he got windows installed with the x800 in, he popped the x1900 in no boot, put the x800 back in, and now thats the same, no boot, yet it worked before he put the x1900 in. :confused:

Thanks. :)

Yup: both cards use the same PCI-E connector, its weird all he did was swap the cards, and now it wont boot with either.
hi thanks lee for posting this up, as he says though im still having no joy,

i have

3 case fan's
2 cd/dvd drives
1 hdd
1 floppy

all hooked up with various modular cables, although the x1900xt has its own modular cable
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I hope its ok, but..

It maybe the 1900 was naff and has killed the slot in the mb.

Disconnect everything, try the x800 in the other slot and clear the cmos. You've tried two psu's can't be that, right? Has to be the 1900.

Don't put the 1900 in anything you care about, good luck.
yea but even if it had killed the slot surly the pc would actually still boot, bah i just don't know im ****ing fed up with it now all i want is my 500 quid rig i paid for up and running i dont need this bs :( :mad:
Dude, it happens. I've had complete builds that went straight through and I've had card changes that's killed the lot. Take your time and think it out. If in doubt take it all out including the mboard. Simple things like shorts to chassis can be hard to find. One mboard, one GF card, one memory stick on cardboard, plug in the psu headers, make sure the CPU fan is connected to the header (that's a common one) and the heatsink is seated ok. Clear the cmos, take out the battery for a bit. Short out the start pins and see what happens.
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my old psu that i tried it with actually powered it for about 20 seconds before it switched its self off i think it turned off this time cos my old psu wasnt powerful enough for it, ill hopefully have it sorted tommorow touch wood, has anyone else got any ideas

Right, tried the new PSU on his old motherboard with the new x1900 out of the case, and its powering up fine, so ive suggested taking the new board out of the case, trying the same thing, new PSU, and the x1900, just to see if the new motherboard could be shorting on the case.

Will update once tried.

Anymore ideas still welcome. :)
Another UPDATE:

Right, now took the new board out of the case, connected up the new PSU, and the x1900, does the same doesn't power up, so its looking like the new motherboard is DOA, as the new PSU and the new x1900 is working on the old motherboard fine. :(
LoadsaMoney said:
Right, now took the new board out of the case, connected up the new PSU, and the x1900, does the same doesn't power up, so its looking like the new motherboard is DOA, as the new PSU and the new x1900 is working on the old motherboard fine. :(
But it was working until the 1900 went in? And then the x800 wouldn't work in the new board either. Weird. Maybe the 1900 pulled too much through the board, just enough for a power reg to fail. Can you smell any burning by the PWN heatsinks?
Yeah he says he can smell a burnt smell, but its weird as the x1900 works fine on his old board, so it can't be the x1900, so would that just mean a dodgy mobo by the sounds of it ?

Thanks. :)
Yeah the x800 will pull a lot less current through the board. One of the regs proberly failed under more load and heat. When he gets the replacement make sure the heatsinks are seated and TIM coated properly.
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