New Build Problems.

15 Nov 2005
I ordered parts from Overclockers on Tuesday afternoon. And i intended to build a new PC from them over the week. Well on thursday they arrived. So happily set to work.
The Specs are in my Sig below. I initially had problems getting it to POST, but that was because i never had all FOUR connectors connected to the DFI modo. "Dohh. lol" :o
But got arround that in an hour, I then set about installing Windows XP SP1 64Bit to test my Opteron. Installed my NForce drivers and all the devices were detected fine except the Radeon "No ATi drivers installed, YET".
Rebooted the PC as always after installing the NF4 divers, and then installed the ATI Catalyst Drivers. All went well. But once i rebooted, My Two CRT moniters turned them selves off with a "No Signal" message. :eek:
This happens when loading into the Log-in screen. just before the login-in screen is displayed the moniters turn off.
I can only use the PC in both Windows XP 32Bit and 64Bit, " I Dual Boot "
WITHOUT the ATi Catalyst drivers installed. :(
Other wise the moniters turn them selves off!? every time To be honest i have no idea why, My PSU should be up to the Job of feeding it and all the cables are connected securly and there is loads of fresh cool, clean air been feed into the PC. The CPU, and NB temps are 35/40 respectivly in the Bios.
I would love if some one, has any ideas why this is happening! and suggestions to fix it. To be totally honest i believe its a faulty GFX card. But i hope not. :eek:

Try alternative drivers.

I know my x1800xt is not liking the 6.5 cats, i've got far better performance using others. Omega drivers anyone.... :D
t31os said:
Try alternative drivers.

I know my x1800xt is not liking the 6.5 cats, i've got far better performance using others. Omega drivers anyone.... :D

Cheers t31os.
Will give alternative drivers ago.
Any other suggestions?

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