New build woes...Help needed bad!!

23 Oct 2005

Slight couple of problems with a new build that im really struggling to getg my head around and would really appreciate some help on.

Finally got around to sticking the new pc together, everything worked ok, and turned on just fine, nothing blew up. So I got around to installing windows, I'm installing it on a 40gb Spinpoint, and using that for windows and programs. When it came to installing I partioned a section of the hard drive into 10gb, as my aim was to put windows on that, and use the 30gb left for programs. That then all worked ok and windows xp 64 loaded up. I then installed all the motherboard drivers, then went to install the graphics card drivers...and wasnt working, was telling me there was no hardware on my pc to the level of the drivers, or something similar...Im using two Geforce 6800's, in SLI,l so tried everything, one card, two cards...but obviously both on the PCI-E section...and nothing still, on the hardware section, the devices where only coming up as visual devices or something, and that only the first was working, and that the second wasnt working properly....I also had both in at the time of turning on the pc first time if this is any help....sooo, then grabbed my friends 40gb harddrive, as his set up is identical to mine, and swapped it for my 40gb, loaded it up, and everything was there..under hardware both graphics cards were recognised and claimed them as 6800's. I tried installing a game to see what would happen, and before it started installing, it told me it couldnt go any firther as my pc hadnt been configured properly...also just as a note, In all my manuals, it says on the toolbar, there should have been an nvidia lil icon, which would open all the nvidia property things, but well, it isnt there on is however on my friends

So then I decided to go for a complete clean reinstall, but the problem is, I cant seem to get my 40gb, back to 40gb....its only coming up as matter what I try...I formatted it...but its still coming up as something is taking up memory on it when I look into its properties...

So my aim now is get my 40gb, back to 40gb and completely wiped as if new....install windows on this...probably without the partion....and then get the graphics cards up, installed, and both recognised and working

My equipement is

Asus A8n Standard
AMD 64 4200+ x2
2gb Geil Ram
Seasonic 600w
40gb Spinpoint
250gb Spinpoint
2x Geforce 6800's
2x Benq 1640's

thanks for any help, sorry I cant be more descriptive on certain things, but the internet is down at mine, so im having to do this away from the project

well what I did when I plug in my friends hard drive to my set up, was then plug in my 40gb harddrive to try and then format it so I could start fresh...which I did, only the thing only formatted the 10gb I dedicated to windows...which it didnt even clear fully, and then couldnt even get at the 30gb

The way I installed everything after windows was the same as you, I first stuck all my mobo drivers on...well everything that came with the Cd anywho...there may have been something missing I cant be to sure...and then attempted with the GFX drivers,m but yeah, couldnt get them to work.

It is also an official version on xp64 that I bought from OC.

Secondly, how would I go about getting back to the partioning section on the xp64 setup to delete the partion already there, on my 40gb?? Do I just start up the pc again witht he disc on the drive? If so, I tried that and the pc boots up with the first like diagnostic screen, telling me a load of information, but then, a lil underscore flashes in the bottom left hand corner, and nothign moves from that screen.

The other 30gb isnt formatted yet no, as I wasnt sure on how to do it, although I will follow your instructions and do it when I get home tomorrow.

So is this my method line:

Format the 30gb on the harddrive, so that both partions show up?
Then format everything so wipe it
Then reinstall windows (hopefully-is someone can tell me how)
Then install all the mobo drivers
Then the GFX drivers?

Does it matter that both my GFX are in on the install?

Managed to sort out the hard drive it back to 40gb...reinstalled windows...stuck all the MOBO drivers on I think...tried the GFX cd, and still cant do it...when I load it up and go to install the windows drivers...I get this message: The Nvidia setup program could not locate any drivers that are compatible with your current hardware, setup will now exit...

Help still needed badly...
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