New Build

25 Jul 2015

I currently play an online game called Lineage II, my PC is ok but my pc tends to be really slow and have slight pause's when there's many people in the server (100-500 players) or especially when pvping.

Here's a video below, which shows there is no smooth gameplay, just slight freeze's and delays.

Could someone please assist on building a pc, I'd like to play the game with no graphic lag and run a smooth game even with 2000 online.

My budget is 500-600

Many thanks!!

Many thanks for replying, I take it this is a system I need to put together myself, which I've never done. Could you please advise if I require to buy any additional tools to put the machine together or does it come with screws, etc...

You wont need any additinal screws they usually come with the case or tools just the usual screwdrivers and maybe some pliers. Overclockers will build it for you i think it cost £60 but there are many tutorials on youtube which will show you how, as long as your confident to do so.

I see, many thanks again for this. I can't seem to find the option on payment for them to build it for me :/ Where is this option located?
List the specs of your PC unless you are going to sell all of it? You could potentially scavenge it for parts like RAM, DVD, hard drive... this way you can get the very best bang for buck (other than going second-hand).

And will you need Windows?

My current pc is a dual core, 4 GB Ram and GtForce GT 620. I am not going to sell it as I don't think it's worth much.

I have windows 7, so no I won't need it.
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