New built PC won't turn on - Please Help!

24 Sep 2006
Hi, I've just recently built built a new pc, it's my 2nd time so i'm not too experienced. I have connected all the components, the power and reset switches to the motherboard and made sure all the power cables are conected correctly. But when I try to power it up, nothing happens at all! :(

I have tried using 1 Ram stick in different slots, tried the PSU from my other PC but still get nothing. I tried the graphics in my other PC to make sure it wasn't that and it worked fine. Also tried with the motherboard out of the case.

I'm using the following parts,

- Intel Core 2 DUO E6600 "LGA775 Conroe" 2.40GHz
- Asus P5N32-SLi SE Deluxe nForce4 SLi X16 (Socket 775) PCI-Express Motherboard
- Corsair 2GB DDR2 XMS2-6400C5 TwinX (2x1GB)
- Leadtek GeForce 7950 GT 256MB GDDR3 HDTV/Dual DVI (PCI-Express)
- Enermax Noisetaker 535W EG565AX-VE(W) SFMA ATX2.0 SLI Compliant PSU
- Thermaltake VA3000BWA Tsunami Dream SuperMidi Aluminium Tower

I've over the manuals over and over again to see if I have missed anything but I haven't a clue whats wrong! :confused: Please Help!

Thanks, :)
Are you saying you press the power button and nothing happens whatsoever? i.e. you don't mean it turns on, fans whirr but doesn't POST, just a black screen?
Tetras said:
Are you saying you press the power button and nothing happens whatsoever? i.e. you don't mean it turns on, fans whirr but doesn't POST, just a black screen?

Yup, nothing at all, fans don't move. No post.

And yes, I have also tried the PSU in the other PC and it works fine so I suspecting its the motherboard or CPU. But it could just be me being a noob. :confused:
Try making the system together outside of the case, ontop of the motherboard box or some wood as the motherboard might be shorting out on one wrongly placed brass stand off.

It sounds like this, also make sure the 12v connector is plugged into your motherboard if it has this...if its not shorting out and its not the PSU, chances are its a dead motherboard.

reminds me - if you havent done so already try a flat headed screw driver to short out the two power connections to switch the PC on - instead of the switch to rule out this being faulty.
check the power cables to the mobo are all connected, double check you have the power button conencted to the right pins (it will tell you in the manual where) and reset the cmos just to be safe.

if something is faulty its usually the mobo or psu if you get nothing what so ever

Thanks for all the replies. I have tried what you have all suggested but I still can't get it to work! :(

I guess that means my motherboard or CPU is faulty?
Sounds like what happened to me on my lastest build, no fans , nothing. I got mine working by trying an old spare PSU, this fired up the board and got me to the bios. i then shut down the PC put my main PSU back in, and it all fired up - weird but it worked. This is the 2nd time this has fixed a seemingly dead PC for me.
I've tried 3 different PSU's now and still haven't got it to work so I think I'll be sending the motherboard back to OC. Got a feeling that isn't that though but I'm at a deadend. :(

Also, could it be the RAM? I've tried both sticks seperately and doubt that both are faulty, but maybe they aren't compatible with the mobo?
Yes, have tried that but still nothing. Overclockers not taking anything until I find the fault.

Isn't any of this enough? Surely there's a fault with the mobo? Everything just been laying there for a week now and I'm really losing my patience :mad: Need this up and running real soon with my degree projects coming!
ghgh said:
If it was the memory chances are the fans would still spin up but you would get no vga, however you would get a sequence of beeps from the system speaker indicating a memory problem.

I haven't been getting any beeps or nothing. So do you think my motherboard is dead? :(
I know how you feel, as my current build had a similar issue - turned out both my cpu AND motherboard were DOA! Which meant a good month getting my new system off the ground.

Generally speaking if you can't anything at all to happen when trying with just one stick of ram, mobo outside the case etc it will be either a dead mobo or cpu, and sadly it can be hard to track down which.

Always worth ruling out user error though, so make sure:

-you have connected all the necessary power leads, new mobos often have extra ones
-try re-seating the cpu and heatsink, making sure you connect up the CPU fan
-Check the case cables are wired up correctly (power/reset) - one of the hardest things I find when building a new pc is getting them on the correct pins and the right way round!
-Clear the CMOS jumper (it's even possible that it could be in the wrong place by default, although rather unlikely)
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