New Camera - New Build Pics

21 Aug 2007
Hey all,

Well I got myself a new Nikon D3200 (new to photography) so I thought I'd post a few shots of my recent build. The ones I took on my iPhone were pretty meh. Anyway, thoughts appreciated on the build/pics. Cheers. Oh specs are:-

Intel 3770K CPU @ 4.5Ghz (1.185v)
16GB Patriot RAM C9 DDR3
Gigabyte GAZ77-UD5H Board
2x EVGA 670GTX FTW [2GB Models]
2x 120GB Intel 330 SSD's in RAID0
1x 1TB Samsung F3 Spinpoint
Corsair TX750M PSU
Dell 24" U2410 IPS Monitor

Water Cooling Components
Radiators: 1x GT Stealth Black ICE 280MM, 1x 200MM Phoyba
Reservoir: Bitspower z-multi 150mm
Pump: XSPC D5 Vario Pump & EK-D5 X-TOP CSQ Plexi
Tubing: XSPC 1/2" ID 3/4OD
Fittings Bitspower Black Sparkle Compression/Rotary/Dual Rotary/Extenders
CPU Block: XSPC Raystorm
VGA Blocks: XSPC Razer
SLI Bridge: XSPC SLI Bridge
Fluid: Mayhems Pastel Blue

I still have some work to do on the system
- tidy up the bottom area near lower res
- Add some lighting
- Add a Corsair Link Fan/Lighting Controller

I'll be adding some more pics on the weekend when I finish the above remaining work... :)

Cheers fella's, working pretty sweet. At the end of the month I am starting a long project based on a Corsair 900D.... Probably gonna sink 3-4k into it so I'll post as I go along.
Hey all, thought I'd post a quick update since I re-jigged my rig. Added a couple of new bits and still have more to do. Stuff that's changed:-

- Changed coolant to UV Blue
- Added Corsair 860i PSU with braided cable kit
- Added a quick disconnect at the bottom and tidied the plumbing somewhat.
- Straightened out tubing on the return pipe from the GPU to the Rad.

Things still to do.

- Install Corsair Link that I have here
- Put EVGA backplates on the GPU's.

That's it really, let me know what you think. :)

Thanks guys. I'm happy with the way it turned out in the end. Took months to finish as I couldn't afford the parts in one go.

With regard to the Dell monitor, yes I'm happy with it. Colours are vibrant and I don't perceive any lag gaming. I was thinking of changing to a 27" or 30" but think I will hang on. The premium doesn't seem worth the extra for the slight res increase.

Just need to get a USB motherboard header extension to finish installing this corsair link!
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