new camera, new hobby

4 Nov 2004
Ok, I work with home entertainment etc i.e tv's amps etc, seperates are my speciality but cameras, even though I know a little bit I don't know a massive amount, let alone my photography skills.

I have bought the yesterday a panna dmcfz7, which had the best staff cost for what I I could get in that budget and range.

I'm still learning (as in i havn't got a clue, being more specialized in seperates) so I've just takena pic in the garden, be honest, as I want my photograhy to get better as well as in the process make myself a better salesperson.

I need any tips in english as I'm not that clued up on cameras as previously told.

here's my effort..
thanks for the reply, I can see what you mean. I've just been playing around with some of the features of the camera, especially the black and white side of things, after a few pics, I managed to come up with this of my little charlie..

again as well as the first, comments of what I can do to further my skills (which is pretty much everything)would be much appreciated
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