New camera time - £200 to spend. Help wanted!

29 Dec 2003
Newcastle upon Tyne
Hi :)

I currently have a Konica Minolta compact jobbie and the picture quality is nothing to write home about, I am after a decent camera for a max of £200 - I have been looking at the PowerShot A700 and it looks to fit the bill, but I would like some other opinions please :) I already have a 1GB SD card and 4x 2300mAh rechargeables so if my new camera can make use of these that is always a plus!

Edit: How about a Fuji FinePix S5600 or F30?


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I am not too fussed on how compact it is, so long as it gives good results :) The one main gripe I had with all of my previous camera's is that in low light conditions they are totally shocking, very blurry. I think a decent optical zoom and image stabilizer are my main requirements along with the low light issue. The main cameras I am looking at now are;


... or save up an extra £70 and get an S3 IS.

I will take a look at your Flickr account now, cheers :)


Edit: Your F30 pictures are really good, could be tempting me towards the F30!
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Those chester zoo pics are even better :eek:

What is the S3 like in the dark?


Ah, ok cheers :)

Out of all of the camera's I have been looking at which would be the best all rounder? I do feel that 4x optical zoom might not be enough mind you, but then again if I want to take pictures at gigs (which I will be doing!) the S3 might not be up to the job in the dark, but its zoom would be great.

Gah :(

Well I went for the S5600 after reading loads of reviews, it seems to have the best of both worlds :)

I am quite chuffed, got all of this for £220inc delivery:
Fuji FinePix S5600
7 in 1 Card Reader
1GB Fuji xD Card
4x 2500 mAh rechargables with charger (can never have too many batteries!)
Hama Carry Case

Should be here before friday!

One quick question - I have been reading in reviews that you should use a UV filter + hood when shooting outdoors, there are a few kits on the 'bay which include;

Fuji 55-52mm Adapter
UV Filter

Are these kits any good? They seem *very* cheap at £15. If they are not worth the cash, could someone point me in the right direction please?


Well it arrived today :) Quite impressed that it managed to get from France to Newcastle in less than 48 hours!

I will take some proper pictures tonight with manual settings and post them up. For now I have a quick question... is there any worthwile difference using 5MP Fine over 5MP Normal?


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