new camera

19 Jul 2006
thinking about getting a new digital camera, got a normal one at moment with zoom and that , but was thinking about getting a SLR one, are these easy to use and do you get better pictures with them? what kind of things and features should i be looking for in this kind
ok thanks guys,
dont really have any experince with cameras other than point and shoot,
think it would just be like general stuff id be photographing, im into sport somaybe some action shots but other than that just scenery and maybe some close up macro stuff.
I read a few posts on here that say go into the shop and try them, are the people in the shops ok with you going in and having a play? Also what kinda questions should i be asking as im a total newb to this? is there any sites aimed at people like me?
The other thing is looking at the prices or the digital ones new and even second hand they are a bit expensive, would i be better off saving up for a good digital one, or should i get a cheep second hand 35mm film one the practice with?
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