New card = new start back to PC

21 Jan 2012
Installed my 2080 I bought on MM.

What games are worth getting to really show it off? I have a ps4 pro to those exclusives can stay there.

In terms of games, mainly adventure really, open worlds and all that.
The Witcher 3 (with a few mods on there -the new textures are coming from the creators early next year I believe).

Horizon Zero Dawn - not an exclusive anymore and looks so much better on the PC.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider will look very good.

Modded Skyrim will also look very good.

If you like fps games i cant recommend squad enough, easily the best team based shooter on pc, really need to have a mic to get the best from it though, i find it AMAZING fun, firefights are intense and a welcome change from recent battlefields and cod style gameplay :)
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