New Cartridge and Headshell for SL1210 mk2

10 Jan 2012
Hi I am currently looking to replace/upgrade me current needle and headshell for my SL1210mk2 from a sligtly damaged stanton505 cartridge.

at the moment im looking at "Ortofon 2M Red MM Moving Magnet Cartridge" plus "ORTOFON SH-4 headshell" which comes to £113.

anyone had experience with these? would you reccomend them? any other recommendations for no more then £125?

Yes I can beat that sound for £85! Nagaoka MP110 hands down the biggest upgrade to my turntable ever. I came from the one you are thinking of buying because it was shrill.
Yes I can beat that sound for £85! Nagaoka MP110 hands down the biggest upgrade to my turntable ever. I came from the one you are thinking of buying because it was shrill.

i was recommended this aswell but some people say its a bit soft and not very punchy? how do you find it compares to the 2m red?
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