well money is limited to around 400 quid as my 18th is coming up, the fans inside are acryan 120mm uv, 80mm uv - top, the hardware is;
Opteron 144 @ 2.4ghz - for summer, with a vapochill micro
asus a8nsli deluxe
120 seagate hdd- replacing with 1 or 2 hitachi t7k250's 250 model - so more heat there
7800gt @ 450 / 1100
xfi platinum
tagan 580 watt modular
2gig gksill ram oc'd to something that i forgot lol
i have the case in wtx form atm because it was recomended elsewhere and did keep it nice in winter but is that a bad idea for summer, the wires all all tidied and sorted and there not much dust in there.
would an aluminium interior provide better cooling maybe?