Looking around for a case that can support a 420mm AIO. Particularly a H170i elite LCD XT, although I doubt which 420 aio matters much.
Been eyeing up the HAVN HS420 on ocuk and the Antec flux pro. Leaning towards the HAVN HS420 due to aesthetics and the fact it's been critically acclaimed across reviewers. The only con is that £200 is a bit steep. Curious if the VGPU kit can be purchased and mounted separately if I wish to in the future? Or is the base design completely different?
Does anyone have experience with either of these cases? Would love to know personal experiences. Also any other recommendations for cases the support a 420mm aio are welcome. Cheers
Been eyeing up the HAVN HS420 on ocuk and the Antec flux pro. Leaning towards the HAVN HS420 due to aesthetics and the fact it's been critically acclaimed across reviewers. The only con is that £200 is a bit steep. Curious if the VGPU kit can be purchased and mounted separately if I wish to in the future? Or is the base design completely different?
Does anyone have experience with either of these cases? Would love to know personal experiences. Also any other recommendations for cases the support a 420mm aio are welcome. Cheers