new cleaner website - can you check on various devices for me?

12 Feb 2006
finally done a much needed refresh of my cleaning website, not just the design, but also the quote form has been totally remade and improved.

it should be mobile friendly and work over multiple screen sizes, but hoping users on here can do me a favour and check it looks correct on their devices, in particular apple devices as i don't have access to either.

if you are able to check the online quote form too that would be much appreciated.

use the email [email protected] it should then not send out email copies of the quote, but still do the rest.

Design looks ok but it's so slow to load that I would have given up before I even got to the quote form. Page loads are around 15 seconds.

Also, the postcode check doesnt work if you don't put a space in the postcode.
No idea what's going on here then - it does seem to be a problem at my end though. Using 4G on my phone it loads fine but on my home broadband it's slow (both from computer or phone).
Speedtest gives me a download speed of 75Mbps and nothing else is going slow.
The responsive pages dont work that well at some sizes, text gets cut off, doesn't necessarily matter as I am using some weird sizes to try it I guess.

Following on from this. Works fine on most sizes but I would give it some testing on Tablets as this seems to be where the cut is getting cut off

can you guys check something on this (or any of the services pages)

it's the gallery section lower down.

some reason it works for me on one page refresh, then next time it doesn't work, then next time it loads just 2 images. totally random.

i've tried to defer the script and lazy load the images to help with speed. not sure if this is causing the issue, as when i've gone back to not defering the script and not lazy loading, i get the same issue.

tried refreshing the cache and same result. randomly works. randomly doesn't.
finally done a much needed refresh of my cleaning website,

Viewing it in Chrome on a 4k portrait mode Dell Ultrasharp monitor with 200% scaling in Windows, the front page of your website doesn't size correctly. You need some white space to the left of the section below the header. Likewise for your review quote. Your footer appears with a horizontal scroll bar. And Chrome comes up with a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom for the whole site. I expect these issues propagate throughout the site but have not checked. It's fine on my 4k landscape monitor.

BTW I think you should make your geographic area immediately visible, not right down in the small print at the bottom. Not everyone recognises the 01483 code. Something like 'Expert Cleaning Services in the western Home Counties from your Trusted Local Cleaning Company' - I expect a professional will improve on that.
Probably of little use, but Brave doesn't like the certificate, then bypassing that the site doesn't scale to 1280x720 my mobile. Firefox works on the same device however.
Probably of little use, but Brave doesn't like the certificate, then bypassing that the site doesn't scale to 1280x720 my mobile. Firefox works on the same device however.
Any idea why brave would not like it? The certificate comes from my hosting company so not sure what I cna do about that. But it's a worry if others see a warning and leave
The menu close button is overlapping the first menu item on mobile for me, makes it difficult to close.

If you want the cross route I'd add a margin to the top of the menu items so the close button has its own line.

Being very fussy on the quote form there's misalignments too but most people won't notice :cry: you also don't cover BN postcodes which makes me sad
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Any idea why brave would not like it? The certificate comes from my hosting company so not sure what I cna do about that. But it's a worry if others see a warning and leave

It might be to do with me not being on the latest release and cannot verify the authenticity of the certificate, those were along the lines of the messages.

This morning Brave is showing certificate as all fine. Tried removing cookies etc to double check.

I had a look at above post/pic, i get this.

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you also don't cover BN postcodes which makes me sad
sorry about that. check back in a few years, maybe we will taking over the UK by then :p
Being very fussy on the quote form there's misalignments too
anything that is particularly annoying? After working on anything long enough I start to say, that'll do, no one really cares, as in reality, most users don't even notice, but if that's anything that stands out i'd like to sort it.

Tablets as this seems to be where the cut is getting cut off
i've done a size for tablets now. in reality, i need to make it better for any change of dimension, however i currently have it set to fixed sizes, e.g. anything 600px to 850px will have a set width, anything 851px to 1100px will be another set width.

The menu close button is overlapping the first menu item on mobile for me, makes it difficult to close.
is it better now. it's odd as the menu script was something i didn't make myself. with a few tiny tweaks only. i figured it'd be designed to be browser proof, but appears now. on chrome on my mobile and on my desktop with it set to mobile width, it works fine.

you're actually missing the first option all together, there should be one saying "get a quote" with a red arrow first.

Has anyone been able to test the quote form and see it works fine?

one thing i'd appreciate someone to look at, is why the buttons on the quote form at stuck to the bottom of the page on desktop, but on mobile screens they don't stick there. nothing changes from what i can see, but position: sticky doesn't seem to work for the smaller dimension and i'd like it to
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Have horizontal scroll here, which is very 1998. Using Chrome on a 3456x2160 res.

Worst bit is, scrolling doesn't fix the bit that's missing, which is the 24/7 part of the instant quote button, so all in all, FAIL

You've also set an explicit scroll (in addition to the browsers native horizontal scroll). Yikes.
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