New computer - many problems, any help?

2 May 2006
Hi guys,

New poster here - I just put together a new computer with bits from OCuk but seem to be having problems thus far -

x2 3800
Sapphire x1800xt (6.3 catalyst)
2 gig geil value ram
Audigy 2 xs
MSI neo4 ultra platinum
WD 16meg sata 2 250g hd

Now - nothing except the gfx card is overclocked using the inbuilt software in CCC.

I seem to be having quite a few problems - first up game performance doesnt seem as it should be.. i'm having a lot of stutters on several games (oblivion, fear etc) now I've never had a decent computer so i'm not sure what to expect really - but the framerate is ok but it stutters and stops for a split second and continues.. maybe thats normal?

My more serious problems are that I get frequent crashes - 3dmark05 won't finish for one.. just quitting out or resetting my computer at random points, games can do that occasionally too. When I came home today I had a blue screen with the main message being 'Driver_IRQ_NOT_EQUAL' does anyone have any idea what this means?

It's kinda getting me down after dropping £850+ on a new computer I imagined would run most games (1280 resolutions) but the stability just isnt there, could it be a bad windows install? maybe I should reformat again and install things in a strict order? Any good benchmarks to try? I'm going to run memtest but other than that I can't really see anything to try - i'm a beginner at overclocking etc but fully capable at using my pc! haha

If anyone has any tips that'd be great as I don't really know what to try besides reformatting.

Thanks for the replies - i'm going to download all new drivers and reformat, havent had time to settle in to this installation anyway
Well - i reinstalled everything.. fully patched up now, going to run tests overnight.

Everything seems fine so far - 3dmark completed fine this time, got 8490 - that about right?

It does seem like it might be the ram - i'll see

Thanks again
Well.. got home today and tried running a game and I got a new blue screen! "Machine_check_error".. surely I must have some hardware fault?

Any idea what component thats related too?
Right - well I ran memtest for 10 hours, i ran 2 together testing 851 meg each as the program told me too. It didn't detect any errors though..

I've checked the system log and there is several save dumps listed, i tried running them through a search engine but it's all pretty vague what comes up scanning through the various logs i get these error codes. 0x10000050 & 0x0000009c. A few other messages include 1 about the cdrom having a bad block and everytime i boot up it complains about DCOM.

As for my PSU - it came with the sonata II case I bought, i was told it would be more than adequate? Anyway to tell on this one?

It's really strange - I get the Machine_check_error or just a random reboot while testing this one game, but not during 3dmark05. Must admit I havent tried any other games but I guess i'll check.

Sure is getting me down this fault! I'm going to take the ram out of my old mobo and see if it gives me the same message.

Any continued help would be great, I really appreciate it
Well - managed to get rid of the dcom error at least, apparently it was to do with my audigy 2 zs. Still crashing though!
haha guess your right.. can't let it beat me!

Yep - I double checked but everything is plugged in properly. I whipped out the ram before hand and put in a gig stick of older ram from a different pc but it still crashed when trying this one game
Just been playing oblivion for a half hour and had no problems.. bit confused by all this really! seems to be very selective as to when it decides to crash.

Hmmm.. I just typed in the game name (for some reason I was trying to play this naff Dragonshard demo that came with my D+D online.. not really a good test i guess) and lots of people are getting a blue screen that might be related to the soundcard.. could it be i'm just being a dumbass and trying to play a bugged game? heh I havent recieved the Driver_irq_not_equal since reformatting with different drivers.

Feel a bit stupid right now but i'm not convinced just yet
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