New concept design: thoughts?

21 Apr 2004
Messing about with a site design, and hour by hour it grew into this. I stuck my logo on and I would quite like it as my own site. However, I would love your feedback.

Although the content is a bit thin and it would get boring scrolling all day I think that the header images work amazingly well, i love the colour scheme and pattern, I think the lightness to this design would be a great improvement to your current layout; i dislike dark sites more often than not.

Would it be possible to have a right column for nav or new links with the same grey but that's not attached, sort of floating along the right. I think that might look nice.

I love it mate. Great colours, great style. Although as Tom said, perhaps make it a little wider? I'm sure the nav links wouldnt mind being pushed away from your pattern-ey stuff at the top either :)

I'm not sure whether there's actually any need for the girl on the right either, it might look great without it, and not be such a big image to download to boot?

I'm not sure about the block highlight on the nav though, i'm sure you could come up with something better :)

Looks excellent anyway!!
the girl is to appeal to the blokes.

and the flowery swirls appeal to the girls.

everyone has something of interest.

is that what it's about?
I like it, as per usual. :)

Is the width of the the blog entries area shown now the size it would be in a full web version? If it is, I just think it's a poor use of space. Even on 800x600 there is still plenty of room.
Very Nice Design, If you produced that with little effort or thought you have some hard core talent, dump your current job and go for website design! ;)

simple, clean, easy-to-navigate website. Can't Fault it! :)
-Colli$ion- said:
Very Nice Design, If you produced that with little effort or thought you have some hard core talent, dump your current job and go for website design! ;)

simple, clean, easy-to-navigate website. Can't Fault it! :)
What he said.

I'm diggin it :cool:
It's fantastic, although as it's a very small company I feel like we're all learning about parts of the trade each day. When I came onboard the current websites were created in tables and javascript rollovers. After learning CSS myself, I preached to them and they're now converted. :p

I'm still a designer at heart, and I'm most happy when I'm given a client who wants a logo designing or something. :D
iCraig said:
Had a slight payrise at the start of the second year though. :)
Get in! btw, have you created a mock up for this yet just to implement it? It looks nice. What did you study at university by the way? Can you draw on paper? :)

I like design and everything but for most uni's you need an art related a-level which I don't have. :(
No, it's still just a PSD.

I didn't go to University. :o I finished school after sixth-form, with an AVCE Double award in ICT and an AVCE double award in Business studies.

I can't draw, but I can sketch roughly. I don't have any noteable design qualifications. I started doing freelance design for a company, and I think I impressed them enough to consider taking me on full time. However due my experience I needed an apprenticeship to get some proper training and design knowledge under my belt.

I study on the job constantly and in my own time, so much so Photoshop is in my list of programs to auto launch during start-up. :o

I study NVQ IT for Users at college one day per week, but it's just for a tangible qualification, as I'm learning far more putting things into practice at work.
Very nice. The only nit pick I have is that the 'designcut' text doesn't seem to fix with the rest of the graphic. Its too, er, strong for a very light graphic. Not sure if it'd help by maybe make the outline the same colour as the darkest curly thing rather than black?

I've just moved into corporate web dev and all the sites I get to develop are very boring, almost zero graphics and flair, all SQl connected forms and the like. I miss not being able to use my imagination! I am intrigued as to how you did those curly things in Photoshop?
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