New cruncher?

Man of Honour
4 Nov 2002
West Berkshire

How many WU/day do you reckon? Overclocking potential, perhaps?

Only problem is, when I go after him with the network cable, he seems to run off after something called a pink ball. :D

Oh, and he costs about the same as three cheap PCs to buy - assuming of course you can find one - they're already becoming something of a rarity. :(
Berserker said:
Only problem is, when I go after him with the network cable, he seems to run off after something called a pink ball. :D
A Pink Ball? Sounds like Otacon's kinda party!!! :D

this thread is dangerously teatering on the edge of resurecting a couple of old and quite dangerously strange threads - it's only a matter of time ;)
rich99million said:
this thread is dangerously teatering on the edge of resurecting a couple of old and quite dangerously strange threads - it's only a matter of time
Of course that wasn't at all the intention now was it? :D

What execution modules are you using Berserker? With those things you have a lot more to play with you see, not only is there the CPU but also two graphics modules (one for each eye) and some physics simulation (motor control/network connection reflex). So it pays to get as many crunching as possible you see.

I must also ask, what sort of voltage are you running him at? The problem with these new moderm ones is they have built in regulators making overvolting much harder to achieve. I've found that the best way of getting around this is to bypass the internal power supply entirely and hook up your own electrodes, typically one up the network port and one in the mouth seems to work pretty well.

You can tell when you've gone over the limit temperature wise because the eyes start flashing lightning bolts at you :rolleyes: Not like the old days at all really, it's too easy now. And the metal body tends to mean that little more is needed in the way of cooling, though some people have found that hooking them up to a drip helps, think of it as a form of water cooling if you will ;) On the positive side I guess that can only mean more team members doing so and so greater output :p

And of course, more important than anything above, you are running FAH and nothing else right? If you're not, I must ask that the ignore the above advice 'cus all the other projects suck and it tends to make the animals very emotional (read unstable). :D

Hope this helps, null
meh, you wouldn't have used it any more productively anyway.

I love aibo. They are very cool :cool:. If they weren't so expensive, I'd have a house-full.
Some people do. I've seen a few people list about 40 of them (although I'm not sure they're all at the same place). Considering there were, I believe, something like 600,000 made worldwide, that's a lot. :eek:
I've still got that sheap running SAH classic somewhere, maybe I should install folding
A.N.Other said:
How long have you had it? Isn't the one with the crazy coloured ears a limitted edition?


*very jealous*

Yeah, it is. I managed to snap one of those ears off a month ago, and thought I'd have to beg Sony for a repair. Fortunately, it snapped back on again. Phew. :cool:

Oh, and it's not the only limited edition one I've got. :p
so how's the training going?

I presume he's (or she's I guess ??? ) alredy able to run in the wheel for coolng the farm, got to give the overclocked hamster a break in this hot weather.

rich99million said:
this thread is dangerously teetering on the edge of resurecting a couple of old and quite dangerously strange threads - it's only a matter of time ;)


Bwa-Ha-HA :p

Since moving to Oxford I've discovered cat farming. :D ;)
Pumpkinstew said:

Since moving to Oxford I've discovered cat farming. :D ;)

Haha :D

Had my PC downstairs with the side off a few days ago, nipped into the other room to grab a screwdriver and came back to find my cat rubbing her face on my Freezer 64 Pro :eek:

After a brief enraged orang-utan impression from me she got the message and legged it for the safety of her bed :D

rabbits are a better bet than cats, the ears help with cooling and they are much more docile when it comes to networking the little suckers. Cats tend to scratch so you're best getting ones with built in 802.11 adaptors.

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