New crysis vid

11 Jan 2005
New crysis vids (update)

all I can say is WOW!

If its reposted slap my hands. But still, everyone has to see this.

14mins long, showing 2 levels with commentary!

I mean, wow. The water, the detail, the effects, the physics, the sheer scale of it all. Just wow :|

EDIT: Hd videos: go and first vid on main page, named Art Director Michael Khaimzon Shows off Crysis (114MB)
is the 14min downloadable.
Awesome presenter too, haha.
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To be fair, I WILL buy this game. Even if the story sucks the amount of fun that can be had with the AI and physics, that's done it for me. One huge playground.

I picked up farcry for cheap just for the graphics. First few levels were ok but not my thing, 'spose this might be the same...but hell, who cares when it looks that good :|

Almost? :P
well, thats running on dx9. apparently o.o?

And there is a link to download the video. I'll find it and post later :)
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All direct x 9, apart from the special dx10 vids, tbh dx10 only looks marginally better/different in comparison.

In one vid the AI uses the tress, shoots one down and makes it land on the players jeep while hes driving it, thus putting the jeep out of action. I think if this is just an early representation of the playable engine, a lot more use will be put into the physics area. Also, the mods that will be made for the game, now has countless possibilities!
snow patrol said:
looks draw dropping, but let's face it, that was probably being run on a crossfired x1900xtx and a fx62 or something and it was still a bit jerky. For those of us that want to play on a widesreen res, we're going to have to cut out a lot of details or upgrade...

as said its on one 1900 as far as we have been told :)
Have even heared of it being run on an x800.
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